Source: front/buttons.php
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
die( 'Cheatin’ uh?' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'get_juiz_sps' ) ) {
* Get the HTML for buttons to share on Networks.
* @param array $networks This list of networks/buttons.
* @param integer $counters Should counter be displayed?
* @param integer $is_current_page_url Is the current page or custom to share?
* @param integer $is_shortcode Is the shortcode calling this function?
* @param string $url_to_share 'permalink' | 'siteurl' | <custom_url>
* @return string Return the markup for the buttons.
* @author Geoffrey Crofte
* @since 1.0
* @version 2.0.0
function get_juiz_sps( $networks = array(), $counters = 0, $is_current_page_url = 0, $is_shortcode = 0, $url_to_share = NULL ) {
global $post;
$show_me = ( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_jsps_metabox_hide_buttons', true) == 'on' ) ? false : true;
$show_me = $is_shortcode ? true : $show_me;
// Show buttons only if post meta doesn't ask to hide it and if it's not a shortcode.
if ( ! $show_me ) {
// URL requested by user can be custom, permalink or siteurl (or null)
$url_needed_by_user = ( $url_to_share != NULL ) ? $url_to_share : false;
if ( in_array( $url_needed_by_user, array( 'permalink', 'siteurl' ) ) ) {
switch( $url_needed_by_user ) {
case 'permalink' :
$url_needed_by_user = get_permalink();
case 'siteurl' :
$url_needed_by_user = get_bloginfo('url');
$url = $post ? get_permalink() : juiz_sf_get_current_url( 'raw' );
$url = ( $url_needed_by_user == false ) ? $url : $url_needed_by_user;
if ( $is_current_page_url && $url_needed_by_user == false ) {
$url = juiz_sf_get_current_url( 'raw' );
* Sets the URL to be shared on all the networks activated.
* Another hook arrives later for each specific network called {@link juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink_for_*} where * is the network Slug.
* @hook juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $url The shared URL.
* @param {int} $is_current_page_url Is the current page or custom to share?
* @param {string} $url_to_share `permalink` | `siteurl` | <custom_url>
* @return {string} The URL to be shared. You don't need to sanitize or urlencode it, it'll be done later in the process.
$url = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink', $url, $is_current_page_url, $url_to_share );
// Texts and Image to share
$text = wp_strip_all_tags( esc_attr( rawurlencode( $post->post_title ) ) );
$excerpt = rawurlencode( wp_strip_all_tags( $post->post_excerpt ) );
$excerpt = empty( $excerpt ) ? rawurlencode( jsps_get_excerpt( $post ) . '…' ) : $excerpt;
$image = has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'single-post-thumbnail' ) : '';
* Sets the word to be used below the total when counters are activated.
* @hook juiz_sps_total_count_word
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="Total:" The text to be used.
* @return {string} The URL to be shared. You don't need to sanitize or urlencode it, it'll be done later in the process.
$total_word = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_total_count_word', __( 'Total: ', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ) );
* Decides if the intro text before the buttons should be printed or not.
* @hook juiz_sps_hide_intro
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {boolean} $is_hidden=false Set to false if you want to print it.
* @return {boolean} The true or false value, nothing else.
$hide_intro_phrase = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_hide_intro', false );
* Prints the text "Share the post" in introduction before the buttons if `juiz_sps_hide_intro`returns true.
* @hook juiz_sps_intro_phrase_text
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="Share·the·post" The Text printed before the buttons.
* @return {string} The Text printed before the buttons.
$share_the_post_sentence = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_intro_phrase_text', __('Share the post', 'juiz-social-post-sharer') );
* Prints something before the `.juiz_sps_links` element.
* This is not an action hook ;)
* @hook juiz_sps_before_the_sps
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="" The text or HTML code printed before the content.
* @return {string} The text or HTML code printed before the content.
$before_the_sps_content = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_before_the_sps', '' );
* Prints something after the `.juiz_sps_links` element, just before the other filter `juiz_sps_content` applies.
* This is not an action hook ;)
* @hook juiz_sps_after_the_sps
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="" The text or HTML code printed after the content.
* @return {string} The text or HTML code printed after the content.
$after_the_sps_content = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_after_the_sps', '' );
* Prints something just before the `.juiz_sps_links_list` element.
* This is not an action hook ;)
* @hook juiz_sps_before_the_list
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="" The text or HTML code printed before the content.
* @return {string} The text or HTML code printed before the content.
$before_the_list = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_before_the_list', '' );
* Prints something just after the `.juiz_sps_links_list` element.
* This is not an action hook ;)
* @hook juiz_sps_after_the_list
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="" The text or HTML code printed after the content.
* @return {string} The text or HTML code printed after the content.
$after_the_list = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_after_the_list', '' );
* Prints something just before the first network markup (before the `li` element by default)
* This is not an action hook ;)
* @hook juiz_sps_before_first_item
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="" The text or HTML code printed before the item.
* @return {string} The text or HTML code printed before the item.
$before_first_i = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_before_first_item', '' );
* Prints something just after the last network markup (after the last `li` element by default)
* This is not an action hook ;)
* @hook juiz_sps_after_last_item
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text="" The text or HTML code printed after the item.
* @return {string} The text or HTML code printed after the item.
$after_last_i = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_after_last_item', '' );
* Sets new classes to the container.
* @hook juiz_sps_container_classes
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $classes="" A text representing your new `class` attribute value.
* @return {string} The class(es) added to the existing `class` attribute.
$container_classes = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_container_classes', '' );
* Adds the `rel=""nofollow` attribute to every links/buttons.
* Pro tips, you can use this hook to add attributes to every link.
* @hook juiz_sps_links_nofollow
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $attr='rel="nofollow"' The attribute and its value.
* @return {string} The attribute and its value.
$rel_nofollow = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_links_nofollow', 'rel="nofollow"' );
* Marks up the container as a DIV by default.
* @hook juiz_sps_container_tag
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $element='div' The element name of the container.
* @return {string} The element name of the container.
$div = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_container_tag', 'div' );
* Marks up the intro phrase as a P by default.
* @hook juiz_sps_phrase_tag
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $element='p' The element name of the intro phrase.
* @return {string} The element name of the intro phrase.
$p = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_phrase_tag', 'p' );
* Marks up the list container as a UL by default.
* @hook juiz_sps_list_container_tag
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $element='ul' The element name of the list container.
* @return {string} The element name of the list container.
$ul = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_list_container_tag', 'ul' );
* Marks up the list item as a LI by default.
* @hook juiz_sps_list_of_item_tag
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $element='li' The element name of the list item.
* @return {string} The element name of the list item.
$li = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_list_of_item_tag', 'li' );
// Get the plugin options.
$juiz_sps_options = jsps_get_option();
// Classes and attributes options.
$juiz_sps_target_link = ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_target_link'] ) && $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_target_link'] == 1 ) ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
$juiz_sps_hidden_name_class = ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_hide_social_name'] ) && $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_hide_social_name'] == 1 ) ? ' juiz_sps_hide_name' : '';
$juiz_sps_compact_name_class = ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_compact_display'] ) && $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_compact_display'] == 1 ) ? ' juiz_sps_compact' : '';
$container_classes .= ( intval( $counters ) == 1 ) ? ' juiz_sps_counters' : '';
$container_classes .= ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter_option'] ) ) ? ' counters_' . $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter_option'] : ' counters_both';
// Other options.
$juiz_sps_display_where = isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_where'] ) ? $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_where'] : '';
$force_pinterest_snif = isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_force_pinterest_snif'] ) ? intval( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_force_pinterest_snif'] ) : 0;
// Starting markup.
$juiz_sps_content = $before_the_sps_content;
$juiz_sps_content .= "\n" . '<' . $div . ' class="juiz_sps_links ' . esc_attr( $container_classes ) . ' juiz_sps_displayed_' . $juiz_sps_display_where . '" data-post-id="' . $post -> ID . '">';
$juiz_sps_content .= $hide_intro_phrase ? '' : "\n" . '<' . $p . ' class="screen-reader-text juiz_sps_maybe_hidden_text">' . $share_the_post_sentence . ' "' . wp_strip_all_tags( get_the_title() ) . '"</' . $p . '>' . "\n";
$juiz_sps_content .= $before_the_list;
$juiz_sps_content .= "\n\t" . '<' . $ul . ' class="juiz_sps_links_list' . esc_attr( $juiz_sps_hidden_name_class ) . esc_attr( $juiz_sps_compact_name_class ) . '">';
$juiz_sps_content .= $before_first_i;
// Networks to display
// 2 differents results by:
// -- using hook (options from admin panel)
// -- using shortcode/template-function (the array $networks in parameter of this function)
$juiz_sps_networks = array();
$all_networks = jsps_get_all_registered_networks();
if ( ! empty( $networks ) ) {
foreach( $all_networks as $k => $v ) {
$juiz_sps_networks[ $k ] = $v;
$juiz_sps_networks[ $k ]['visible'] = (int) in_array( $k, $networks ); // set its visible value to 1 (visible)
} else {
$juiz_sps_networks = $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_networks'];
// Set network order
$order = ! empty( $networks ) ? $networks : $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_order'];
// Get displayable (not necessarily displayed) Buttons
$sorted_networks = jsps_get_displayable_networks( $juiz_sps_networks, $order );
// Each links (come from options or manual array)
foreach( $sorted_networks as $k => $v ) {
// If not visible, got to next item.
if ( ! isset( $v['visible'] ) || ( isset( $v['visible'] ) && $v['visible'] === 0 ) ) {
$api_link = get_permalink( $post->ID );
$api_text = '';
* Sets the URL to be shared on a specific network, where `*` is the network shortname.
* @hook juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink_for_*
* @since 2.0.0 Adds `$is_current_page_url` and `$url_to_share` arguments.
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $url The shared URL.
* @param {int} $is_current_page_url Is the current page or custom to share?
* @param {string} $url_to_share `permalink` | `siteurl` | <custom_url>
* @return {string} The URL to be shared on the specific network. You don't need to sanitize or urlencode it, the after that.
$url = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink_for_' . $k, $url, $is_current_page_url, $url_to_share );
$nw_name = isset( $v['name'] ) ? $v['name'] : $k;
* The name of a specific network display on the button.
* @hook juiz_sps_share_name_for_*
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $nw_name The original name of the network.
* @return {string} The string returned after the renaming.
$nw_name = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_name_for_' . $k, $nw_name );
* The tooltip for a specific network. Default one is `Share this on %s`.
* @hook juiz_sps_share_text_for_*
* @since 1.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $text The original text in the tooltip.
* @param {string} $nw_name The original name —or modified name if you filtered {@link juiz_sps_share_name_for_*}— of the network.
* @return {string} The string returned text in the tooltip for this specific network.
$api_text = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_text_for_' . $k, sprintf( __( 'Share this article on %s', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ), $nw_name ) );
* The type of HTML element you want to use for a specific network.
* It produces automatically a `a href` or a `button type="button"` if it detects of the `a` or `button` options.
* @hook juiz_sps_button_element_type_for_*
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $element It's a link par default, so `a`
* @return {string} The string of HTML element you want.
$button = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_button_element_type_for_' . $k, 'a' );
// Some conditional used variable for content adjustment.
// Most of them are empty and tweakable with filters later.
$more_link_attr = $more_item_attr = $code_before_end_li = $code_before_end_button = $code_between_icon_text = $code_before_icon = '';
switch ( $k ) {
case 'twitter' :
* Edits the default Twitter nickname mentionned in the URL (via option) and override the option in the admin.<br>
* **The option have to not to be empty in the admin for the hook to work.**
* @hook juiz_sps_twitter_nickname
* @since 1.4.9 First version
* @param {string} $text The Twitter nickname set in the admin option.
* @return {string} The new Twitter nickname to be mentionned.
$twitter_user = isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_twitter_user'] ) && $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_twitter_user'] != '' ? '&related=' . apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_twitter_nickname', $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_twitter_user'] ) . '&via=' . apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_twitter_nickname', $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_twitter_user'] ) : '';
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url ) . '&text=' . $text . '&url=' . urlencode( $url ) . $twitter_user;
case 'facebook' :
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url );
case 'pinterest' :
if ( $image != '' && $force_pinterest_snif == 0 ) {
$api_link = '' . $image[0] . '&url=' . urlencode( $url ) . '&title=' . get_the_title() . '&description=' . $excerpt;
else {
$api_link = "javascript:void((function(){var%20e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src','//'+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e)})());";
$api_text = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_text_for_' . $k, __( 'Share an image of this article on Pinterest', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ) );
case 'viadeo' :
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url ) . '&comment=' . $text;
case 'linkedin':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url );
case 'tumblr':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url );
case 'reddit':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url ) . '&title=' . $text;
case 'mix':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url );
case 'whatsapp':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( '"' ) . $text . urlencode( '": ' . $url );
case 'pocket':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url );
case 'evernote':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url ) . '&linkname=' . $text . '&linknote=' . $excerpt;
case 'diigo':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url ) . '&title='. $text .'&desc=' . $excerpt . '&client=juis-social-post-sharer'; // client=simplelet
case 'weibo':
// title tips by Aili (thank you ;p)
$simplecontent = $text . esc_attr( urlencode( " : " . mb_substr( strip_tags( $post->post_content ), 0, 90, 'utf-8') ) );
$api_link = '' . $simplecontent . '&url=' . urlencode( $url );
case 'vk':
$api_link = '' . urlencode( $url );
case 'mail' :
if ( strpos( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_mail_body'], '%%' ) || strpos( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_mail_subject'], '%%' ) ) {
$api_link = 'mailto:?subject=' . $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_mail_subject'] . '&body=' . $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_mail_body'];
$api_link = preg_replace( array('#%%title%%#', '#%%siteurl%%#', '#%%permalink%%#', '#%%url%%#'), array( get_the_title(), get_site_url(), get_permalink(), urlencode( $url ) ), $api_link );
else {
$api_link = 'mailto:?subject=' . $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_mail_subject'] . '&body=' . $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_mail_body'] . ":" . urlencode( $url );
$api_text = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_text_for_' . $k, __( 'Share this article with a friend (email)', 'juiz-social-post-sharer') );
case 'bookmark' :
$api_text = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_text_for_' . $k, __( 'Bookmark this article (on your browser)', 'juiz-social-post-sharer') );
$more_link_attr = 'data-alert="' . esc_attr( __( 'Press %s to bookmark this page.', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ) ) . '"';
case 'print' :
$button = 'button';
$api_text = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_text_for_' . $k, __( 'Print this page', 'juiz-social-post-sharer') );
case 'shareapi' :
$button = 'button';
$api_text = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_share_text_for_' . $k, __( 'Share on your favorite apps', 'juiz-social-post-sharer') );
$more_item_attr = 'style="display:none;"';
$code_before_end_li = '<script>
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
if ( navigator.share ) {
let shareurl = document.location.href;
let btns = document.querySelectorAll(".juiz_sps_link_shareapi button:not([data-bound])");
const canon = document.querySelector("link[rel=canonical]");
if (canon !== null) {
shareurl = canon.href;
btns.forEach(function(el) {
el.closest(".juiz_sps_link_shareapi").removeAttribute( "style" );
el.setAttribute( "data-bound", "true" );
el.addEventListener("click", async () => {
try {
await navigator.share({
title: "' . esc_attr( $post->post_title ) . '",
text: "' . esc_attr( $post->post_title ) . ' - ' . esc_attr( jsps_get_excerpt( $post ) ) . '",
url: shareurl,
});"Successful share");
} catch(err) {
console.warn("Error sharing", error);
if ( ! isset( $v['api_url'] ) ) break;
$api_link = jsps_render_api_link( array(
'api' => $v['api_url'],
'desc' => $excerpt,
'title' => $text,
'url' => urlencode( $url )
) );
$api_text = isset( $v['title'] ) ? $v['title'] : '';
* Edits the API URL at the end. You can use it to add parameters like UTM.
* <br> To edit a specific API URL, see {@link juiz_sps_*_url_params}
* @hook juiz_sps_url_params
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $params='' Empty by default.
* @return {string} The new parameters you added. Don't forget to start with a `&amp;`
* Edits the specific API URL at the end. You can use it to add parameters like UTM.
* @hook juiz_sps_*_url_params
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $params='' Empty by default.
* @return {string} The new parameters you added. Don't forget to start with a `&amp;`
$api_link = $api_link . apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_' . $k . '_url_params', apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_url_params', '' ) );
* Edits the item (LI by default) HTML attributes before printing it.
* <br> To edit a specific item attributes, see {@link juiz_sps_*_item_attr}
* @hook juiz_sps_items_attr
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $attrs='' Empty most of the time, but not for Share API.
* @return {string} The new attributes you added.
* Edits the item (LI by default) HTML attributes before printing it for a precise network/button.
* @hook juiz_sps_*_item_attr
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $attrs='' Empty most of the time, but not for Share API.
* @return {string} The new attributes you added.
$more_item_attr = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_' . $k . '_item_attr', apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_items_attr', $more_item_attr ) );
* Edits the link (A by default) HTML attributes before printing it.
* <br> To edit a specific link attributes, see {@link juiz_sps_*_link_attr}
* @hook juiz_sps_links_attr
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $attrs='' Empty most of the time, but not Bookmark button.
* @return {string} The new attributes you added.
* Edits the link (A by default) HTML attributes before printing it for a precise network/button.
* @hook juiz_sps_*_link_attr
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $attrs='' Empty most of the time, but not Bookmark button.
* @return {string} The new attributes you added.
$more_link_attr = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_' . $k . '_link_attr', apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_links_attr', $more_link_attr ) );
$item_content = '<' . $li . '' . ( isset( $more_item_attr ) && ! empty( $more_item_attr ) ? ' ' . $more_item_attr : '' ) . ' class="juiz_sps_item juiz_sps_link_' . esc_attr( $k ) . '"' . ( isset( $v['color'] ) ? ' style="--jsps-custom-color:' . esc_attr( $v['color'] ) . ';' . ( isset( $v['hcolor'] ) ? '--jsps-custom-hover-color:' . esc_attr( $v['hcolor'] ) . ';' : '' ) . '"' : '' ) . '>';
$btn_el = '';
if ( $button === 'a' ) {
$btn_el = 'a href="' . esc_url( $api_link ) . '" ' . $rel_nofollow . ' ' . $juiz_sps_target_link;
} elseif ( $button === 'button' ) {
$btn_el = 'button type="button" data-api-link="' . esc_url( $api_link ) . '"';
} else {
$btn_el = $button;
$item_content .= '<' . $btn_el . ' ' . ( isset( $more_link_attr ) && ! empty( $more_link_attr ) ? ' ' . $more_link_attr : '' ) . ' title="' . esc_attr( $api_text ) . '" class="juiz_sps_button" data-nobs-key="' . esc_attr( $k ) . '">';
* Adds code content before the .juiz_sps_icon element.
* @hook juiz_sps_code_before_icon
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $code='' Empty by default.
* @return {string} Your own code.
$item_content .= apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_code_before_icon', $code_before_icon );
$item_content .= '<span class="juiz_sps_icon jsps-' . esc_attr( $k ) . '">' . jsps_get_network_html_icon( $k, $v, true ) . '</span>';
* Adds code content between the .juiz_sps_icon and .juiz_sps_network_name elements.
* @hook juiz_sps_code_between_icon_text
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $code='' Empty by default.
* @return {string} Your own code.
$item_content .= apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_code_between_icon_text', $code_between_icon_text );
$item_content .= '<span class="juiz_sps_network_name">' . esc_html( $nw_name ) . '</span>';
* Adds code content before the end of the link or button element .juiz_sps_button
* @hook juiz_sps_code_before_end_button
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $code='' Empty by default.
* @return {string} Your own code.
$item_content .= apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_code_before_end_button', $code_before_end_button );
$item_content .= '</' . $button . '>';
* Adds code content before the end of the item .juiz_sps_item
* @hook juiz_sps_code_before_end_li
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $code='' Empty by default, except for ShareAPI button.
* @return {string} Your own code.
$item_content .= apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_code_before_end_li', $code_before_end_li );
$item_content .= '</' . $li . '>';
* Edits the HTML code for every item including the LI and A elements.
* <br> To edit the same code for a specific network, prefer the hook {@link juiz_sps_after_*_network_item}
* @hook juiz_sps_after_each_network_item
* @since 1.4.3 First version
* @param {string} $item_content The link content.
* @param {string} $k The network shortname.
* @param {string} $nw_name The display-name of the network.
* @param {array} $v The information relative for a specific network.
* @return {string} The modified HTML code.
$item_content = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_after_each_network_item', $item_content, $k, $nw_name, $v );
* Edits the HTML code for a specific network item including the LI and A elements
* @hook juiz_sps_after_*_network_item
* @since 1.4.3 First version
* @param {string} $item_content The link content.
* @param {string} $k The network shortname.
* @param {string} $nw_name The display-name of the network.
* @param {array} $v The information relative for a specific network.
* @return {string} The modified HTML code.
$item_content = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_after_' . $k . '_network_item', $item_content, $k, $nw_name, $v );
$juiz_sps_content .= $item_content;
} // end of FOREACH
$general_counters = ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter'] ) && $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter'] == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
// no data-* attribute if user markup is not HTML5 :/
$hidden_info = '<input type="hidden" class="juiz_sps_info_plugin_url" value="' . JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . '" /><input type="hidden" class="juiz_sps_info_permalink" value="' . get_permalink( $post -> ID ) . '" /><input type="hidden" class="juiz_sps_info_post_id" value="' . $post -> ID . '" />';
$juiz_sps_content .= $after_last_i;
// show total counter only when "both" or "total" is selected
if ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter_option'] ) ) {
if ( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter_option'] == 'both' || $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter_option'] == 'total' ) {
$juiz_sps_content .= (
( $general_counters == 1 && intval( $counters ) == 1)
( $general_counters == 0 && intval( $counters ) == 1 )
'<' . $li . ' class="juiz_sps_item juiz_sps_totalcount_item"><span class="juiz_sps_totalcount" title="' . esc_attr( $total_word ) . '"><span class="juiz_sps_t_nb"></span></span></' . $li . '>'
: '';
$juiz_sps_content .= '</' . $ul . '>' . "\n\t";
$juiz_sps_content .= $after_the_list;
$juiz_sps_content .= ( ( $general_counters == 1 && intval( $counters ) == 1 ) || ( $general_counters == 0 && intval( $counters ) == 1 ) ) ? $hidden_info : '';
$juiz_sps_content .= '</' . $div . '>' . "\n\n";
$juiz_sps_content .= $after_the_sps_content;
// Final markup
* The overall HTML content used to display everything in front.
* Use it if no other hook works for you and you want to edit its HTML.
* @hook juiz_sps_content
* @since 1.4.3 First version
* @param {string} $juiz_sps_content The HTML Content.
* @param {array} $juiz_sps_options All the plugin options to avoid a request ;p
* @return {string} The new HTML code.
return apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_content', $juiz_sps_content, $juiz_sps_options );
// just a little alias
if ( ! function_exists( 'juiz_sps' ) ) {
function juiz_sps( $networks = array(), $counters = 0, $current_page = 0, $is_shortcode = 0, $url_to_share = NULL ) {
echo get_juiz_sps( $networks, $counters, $current_page, $is_shortcode, $url_to_share );
// write buttons in content
add_filter( 'the_content', 'juiz_sps_print_links', 10, 1 );
* By default the buttons are display only into the content, not the excerpts.
* Set to `true` if you want to change this behavior.
* @hook juiz_sps_buttons_in_excerpt
* @since First version
* @param {boolean} $in_excerpt=false Set to true if you want buttons in excerpt.
* @return Void.
if ( apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_buttons_in_excerpt', false ) ) {
add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'juiz_sps_print_links', 10, 1 );
if ( ! function_exists( 'juiz_sps_print_links' ) ) {
function juiz_sps_print_links( $content ) {
$juiz_sps_options = jsps_get_option();
if ( isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_in_types'] ) ) {
// write buttons only if administrator checked this type
$is_all_lists = in_array( 'all_lists', $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_in_types'] );
$singular_options = $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_in_types'];
unset( $singular_options['all_lists'] );
$is_lists_authorized = ( is_archive() || is_front_page() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_post_type_archive() || is_home()) && $is_all_lists ? true : false;
$is_singular = is_singular( $singular_options );
if ( $is_singular || $is_lists_authorized ) {
$need_counters = $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_counter'] ? 1 : 0;
$jsps_links = get_juiz_sps( array(), $need_counters );
$juiz_sps_display_where = isset( $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_where'] ) ? $juiz_sps_options['juiz_sps_display_where'] : '';
* Allows you to do something before the concatenation with the post content.
* @hook juiz_sps_before_content_concat
* @since 2.0.0 First version
* @param {string} $jsps_links The HTML for all the front buttons.
* @param {string} $juiz_sps_display_where A keyword among `top`, `bottom` and `both`.
* @param {string} $juiz_sps_options All the plugin's options.
do_action( 'juiz_sps_before_content_concat', $jsps_links, $juiz_sps_display_where, $juiz_sps_options );
if ( 'top' == $juiz_sps_display_where || 'both' == $juiz_sps_display_where ) {
$content = $jsps_links . $content;
if ( 'bottom' == $juiz_sps_display_where || 'both' == $juiz_sps_display_where ) {
$content = $content . $jsps_links;
return $content;
else {
return $content;
else {
return $content;
} // end function
} // end if function exists
Plugin and documentation by Geoffrey Crofte - All Right Reserved