Source: register-skins.php

<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	die( 'Cheatin&#8217; uh?' );

 * Register the Core Skins being used in the admin/front
 * @param  (array) $core_skins  An array of the Core Skins.
 * @return (array)              The filtered array of Core Skins.
 * @since  2.0.0
 * @author Geoffrey Crofte
function jsps_register_core_skins( $core_skins ) {

	$core_skins['1'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Juizy Light Tone', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/1/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => false,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['2'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Juizy Light Tone Reversed', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/2/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => false,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['3'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Blue Metro Style', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/3/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => true,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['4'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Gray Metro Style', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/4/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => true,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['5'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Modern Style', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'author'      => 'Tony Trancard',
		'author_url'  => '',
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/5/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => true,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['6'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Black', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'author'      => 'Fandia',
		'author_url'  => '',
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/6/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => true,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['7'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Brands Colors', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/7/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => true,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	$core_skins['8'] = array(
		'name'        => __( 'Material Brand Colors', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' ),
		'demo_url_2x' => JUIZ_SPS_PLUGIN_URL . 'skins/8/demo@2x.png',
		'support_compact' => true,
		'support_hidden_name' => true,

	 * Filters the list of Core Skins after populating it.
	 * @hook jsps_register_core_skins
 	 * @since  2.0.0 First version
 	 * @param  {array}  cskins=array() See {@link jsps_register_core_skin} for more details.
 	 * @return {array}                 The list of Core Skins populated.
	return apply_filters( 'jsps_register_core_skins', $core_skins );
add_filter( 'jsps_register_core_skin', 'jsps_register_core_skins' );

 * Register the current theme buttons' skin(s) if found.
 * @param  (array) $custom_skins  An array of the Custom button Skins.
 * @return (array)                The filtered array of Custom Skins.
 * @see    register-skin.php jsps_get_custom_skins() function desc for array composition.
 * @since  2.0.0
 * @author Geoffrey Crofte
function jsps_register_current_template_skins( $custom_skins ) {

	$skins = array();
	$css = juiz_sps_get_skin_css_name();
	$img = juiz_sps_get_skin_img_name();
	$dir = new DirectoryIterator( get_template_directory() );

	 * The folder name where the skins within active WordPress theme is.
	 * @hook juiz_sps_custom_skin_folder
 	 * @since  2.0.0 First version
 	 * @param  {string}  folder_name The name of the folder from the template directory.
 	 * @return {string}              The new name of the folder if changed (default: nobs-skins).
 	 * @tutorial create-buttons-skin
	$folder_name = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_custom_skin_folder', 'nobs-skins' );

	foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) {
		if ($fileinfo->isDir() && $fileinfo->getFilename() === $folder_name ) {

			// If we find the styles.css file here, don't dive deeper.
			if ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . $folder_name . '/styles.css') ) {
				$skins[0] = array(
					'css' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/' . $folder_name . '/' . $css,
					'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/' . $folder_name . '/' . $img,

			// Else look for styles.css file(s) in subfolders.
			$dir = new DirectoryIterator( get_template_directory() . '/' . $folder_name );

			foreach ($dir as $fileinfo) {
				// If it's a folder and not a "." or ".." folder
				if ( $fileinfo->isDir() && !$fileinfo->isDot() ) {
					// try to get a styles.css file
					$baseurl = '/' . $folder_name . '/' . $fileinfo->getFilename() . '/';
					$cssfilename = $baseurl . $css;
					$imgfilename = $baseurl . $img;

					if ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . $cssfilename ) ) {
						$skins[ $fileinfo->getFilename() ] = array(
							'css' => get_template_directory_uri() . $cssfilename,
							'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . $imgfilename

	// Let's use some info about the current theme to describe the Buttons' skin.
	// Should I use ?
	// get_file_data() to get style.css info
	$themeinf  = wp_get_theme();

	 * Filters the Button Skin(s) Author's name found in the current WP theme.
	 * @hook juiz_sps_custom_skin_author
 	 * @since  2.0.0 First version
 	 * @param  {string}  $author  The name of the author, by default the Theme author's name.
 	 * @param  {array}   $skins   A variable array of information about found skins.
 	 * @return {string}           The name of the author.
 	 * @tutorial create-buttons-skin
	$auth      = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_custom_skin_author', $themeinf->get('Author'), $skins );

	 * Filters the Button Skin(s) Author's URL found in the current WP theme.
	 * @hook juiz_sps_custom_skin_author_url
 	 * @since  2.0.0 First version
 	 * @param  {string}  $author_url  The URL of the author, by default the Theme author.
 	 * @param  {array}   $skins       A variable array of information about found skins.
 	 * @return {string}               The URL of the author.
 	 * @tutorial create-buttons-skin
	$authurl   = apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_custom_skin_author_url', $themeinf->get('AuthorURI'), $skins );
	$themename = $themeinf->get('Name');
	$compname  = esc_html__( 'Button Skin', 'juiz-social-post-sharer' );

	foreach ($skins as $slug => $files) {
		$custom_skins[ $slug ] = array(
			 * Filters the Button Skin(s) name found in the current WP theme.
			 * @hook juiz_sps_custom_skin_name
		 	 * @since  2.0.0 First version
		 	 * @param  {string}  $skin_name  The name of the skin, by default a combination of the Theme's name and the skin folder's name.
		 	 * @param  {array}   $skins      A variable array of information about found skins.
		 	 * @return {string}               The name of the skin.
			'name'       => esc_html( apply_filters( 'juiz_sps_custom_skin_name', $themename . ( $slug !== 0 ? ' - ' . $slug : ' - '. $compname ), $skins ) ),
			'author'     => esc_html( $auth ),
			'author_url' => $authurl,
			'css_url'    => $files['css'],
			'demo_url'   => $files['img'],

	 * Filters the list of Theme Skins after populating it. It's the list of buttons skins available in the activated WordPress Theme.
	 * @hook jsps_register_curr_tmpl_skins
 	 * @since  2.0.0 First version
 	 * @param  {array}  cskins=array() See {@link jsps_register_custom_skin} for more details.
 	 * @return {array}                 The list of Custom Skins populated.
	return apply_filters( 'jsps_register_curr_tmpl_skins', $custom_skins );

add_filter( 'jsps_register_custom_skin', 'jsps_register_current_template_skins', 10, 1 );