Nobs - Share Buttons is developed and maintained for free since 2012.

How can Nobs Social Sharing WordPress Plugin can be free forever?

In 2012, I (Geoffrey) was working for a web agency for a lot of different clients. Our team was focused on performant and accessible deliverables. Our clients were the first to ask for buttons at the end and beginning of their blog posts.

Personnaly, I've always been disappointed by the existing tools in order to display this kind of buttons: they were, and still are, either using a lot of JavaScript (which is long to load on your page), or not respectful of your privacy (loading a lot of trackers). And no need to talk about accessibility…

I decided to develop this plugin during my spare time to address solution to the problem I mentionned: performance, accessibility and privacy. The solution was simple: generate static links associated with accessible HTML code and beautiful CSS styles.

Nobs was born under the name of Juiz Social Post Sharer (yes, I know 😁)

How can you maintain the code and networks list?

For 8 years I decided to maintain it for free, but not in a really intense way. Not that I was lazy, but I had a lot of changes in my life that took me too much time to be able to follow the emerging new social networks, and the services like Delicious or Google+ that died during these years.

To sum this up, "free" as a price: this plugin will be updated thanks to the WordPress Community contributions on the Github Repository.
But as a motivation, I decided to open a shop for people who need more from this plugin.

Premium Skins to cover the fees of development

Maintaining and developing a plugin take a lot of time and energy, even for this kind of "small" plugin. To cover all of these fees, I decided to open a shop of premium skin for your buttons.

The goal of this shop will be to offer you ton of different skins to match your WordPress Theme. Some will be simple and clean, some other will be animated and more sophisticated.
More info on how to stay tuned on the block below.