Pinterest is a network where users share images for collection, inspiration, or to bring design and visual culture to their followers.
You usually want to make people share images to their network.

The Official Pinterest Share Button is as browser button extension that scans all the compatible images of the page yoou are visiting. It proposes thoose images to the Pinterest user's collections so they can share it to their audience.

Nobs - Share Buttons proposes a Pinterest Sharing Button that is totally free of JavaScript and trackers. It uses a URL that takes your blog post Featured image, and share it on Pinterest.
Optionnaly, you can make this button scan your page content via a non intrusive JavaScript function.

Pinterest Button Design

Our Pinterest Button is available in multiple shapes and visual effects, for free, immediatly shipped with our free WordPress plugin.

If you need more fancy or specific designs for it, you can totally tweak it thanks to your WordPress Theme custom CSS section (in the Appearance menu), or you can give a try to our Skin Shop. Several different skins will be available at the launch of this shop, and tones of others will follow during the year.

Any Pinterest Share Counter?

Nope. There's not.
Pinterest doesn't have share count since you never share a precise URL, but images. You will certainly cross path with some other services offering a counter for multiple social networks. Well, it's fake.
Discover why those social network counters are fake.